January 23, 2009

I've Finally Done It - My (Blog) Inauguration

I have been thinking of doing this (writing a blog) for a while. Others have been urging me a little more strongly than I have been urging myself. When I signed up for a certain blog subscription I had to create a google account. While doing so, I was given the chance to create a blog. I figured if I could create a blog within my limited computer attention span, I would do it.

I have no idea what this is really going to look like. I have very little technology in my life. I do almost all of my internet surfing at the public library and do not own a digital camera. The thing that I (and probably everyone else) really likes about certain blogs are the photos. We'll see how into this I become and maybe, just maybe I'll take the digital plunge!


  1. Thanks for the inauguration missive... and now the promise of even more thoughts, reflections, quips, remembrances... and perhaps even recipes? Looking forward to reading more! kva

  2. well, it's about time missy. I anxiously await your next entry. Please allow me to be your first "blogger stalker" xxoo stef


"You can't always get what you want. But, if you try, sometimes, you get what you need."


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A Few of my Favorite Things Tea*Chocolate* Lake Michigan in Leelanau County*Vintage Crepe Paper Crafts*Prince circa 1980's*Pork*California Redwoods*Outsider Art*The Smell of Lilacs and Summer Rain*Burlap*Food prepared from scratch*The Color RED*Hats