February 5, 2009

Talk to Me People

Already I am at a loss for words. Well, not really, but at a loss for words that I want to put into the blogosphere!

However, I thought a post was in order due to the fact that I (think I) removed the you-must-have-a-google-account restriction on leaving me a comment.

So for all you people who wanted to comment on my post(s) (you know who you are Kelly, Maggie, G. etc.), please give it a try.

Hmm, I think my next step in this blogging adventure will be to add some photos.

Take care!


  1. nice pic susan, is that thailand?

  2. the two "water" pictures are from Mexico - taken exactly one year ago today - oh I wish I was there now!


"You can't always get what you want. But, if you try, sometimes, you get what you need."


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A Few of my Favorite Things Tea*Chocolate* Lake Michigan in Leelanau County*Vintage Crepe Paper Crafts*Prince circa 1980's*Pork*California Redwoods*Outsider Art*The Smell of Lilacs and Summer Rain*Burlap*Food prepared from scratch*The Color RED*Hats