February 23, 2009

We are now Cheeseheads

No, we did not move to Wisconsin. We have a plethora of fresh, homemade and highly perishable cheese.

Our truly homemade ricotta was used in blood orange/ricotta pancakes and calzones. Both creations were divine.

And we have mozzarella coming out of our ears. We both took the class so we have double the amount that was described as, "having enough to open a small pizzeria." So does that mean we can open a large pizzeria? Luckily it is all good. Unluckily, it is recommended that we eat it within three days. I never thought this possible, but I am a little sick of cheese. Anyone up for coming over for fondue tonight?!


  1. I am definitely one of your "followers" on my screen, btw. Hope you enjoy the cheese... sounds delicious!

  2. Wished I would have known you then...'cause I sure would've been! Mmmmm cheese:D


"You can't always get what you want. But, if you try, sometimes, you get what you need."


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A Few of my Favorite Things Tea*Chocolate* Lake Michigan in Leelanau County*Vintage Crepe Paper Crafts*Prince circa 1980's*Pork*California Redwoods*Outsider Art*The Smell of Lilacs and Summer Rain*Burlap*Food prepared from scratch*The Color RED*Hats