April 6, 2009

Magazine Love

I got extremely excited reading the May issue of Bon Appetit magazine.

First of all, there was an article about the great alcohol being produced in Oregon. Included in that article was the very same elixir that Glenn brought me back from a recent business trip. Gin is my poison of choice, and Aviation gin may be thee choice of that choice! Even if you think that you do not like gin (you're out there, I know, I've heard your stories), if the opportunity presents itself, you MUST try this gin. It is so pure and clean. I know, I know those words are overused in food description, but they are so accurate in this case. I am smitten with the characteristic juniper berry and pine taste of gin. However, these flavors are precisely what others loathe about gin. What makes Aviation so good, and so worth trying, is that those flavors are there, but they are not cloying and do not linger. This gin gets to the point and then relaxes in a refreshing sort of a way.

The second article that got my juices flowing was The United Plates of America. It features a state by state (yes, all 50 of them) list of "what to buy, what to eat and what to drink" in each state. I loved seeing that Better Made Potato Chips made the cut. Ironically, just the day before, while scarfing down a bag of Barbecue flavored chips, I mentioned that I thought Better Made chips, are indeed better made, and a very fine chip! Glenn was equally pleased that Bell's beer was also mentioned (for the record he also agrees with Bon Appetit's assessment!).

It was kind of cool to recognize some of the items and places mentioned in the article. In my humble opinion, there were a couple of places that were overlooked. Glenn suggested that I make some sort of list/running column on my blog to share what we consider to be culinary gems. Glenn travels a bit for work, and when he goes by car, I frequently join him. Being that he spends the day working, I have some solo time on my hands, yeah, I know it's hard, but someone has to do it. A big chunk of my time is spent looking for scrumptious places to try what I call local flavor.

OK, so back to Bon Appetit, the third thing that I really liked was the article , Big on Pig. When I first saw the article I broke out into a huge smile and squealed (pun intended). You know how I feel about all things pork. All the recipes in the article are written by pork master extraordinare, Bruce Aidell. We frequently consult his book, Bruce Aidell's Complete Book of Pork, and know we have some new recipes to try - yum, yum, yum!

Well, I have really let this blog post get away from me. Inspired by Bon Appetit, I sat down ready to tell you about one of the best road trip food experiences. Instead I got semi-side tracked describing other foodie things, oh well, I save that tale for another day. But, I will give you a hint, think pork!


  1. Very cute blog Susan! I will definitely check yours out. I know what you mean about being slow. I am finally inspired to write again after 6 months or so. Hope all is well.

    Take care.

  2. Hey! Look who's stopped by! Now I'm cyberstalking you;)
    Gin is my poison of choice as well. I've never heard of Aviation. So thanks for the recommendation. I'll be sure and try it next time.
    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on pork!

  3. Hey Susan! Really enjoyed talking with you at Allegan. Now you have to come every month. Your blog is great. Enjoyed the recommendations. Would love to see that article. Have a great month. xo

  4. Hey again Susan! I have a question for you. You don't seem to have an email contact here. Any chance you could email me @ lisasretrostyle@charter.net so I can reply with my question? Please and thank you:D

  5. Hello Susan - we're bloggy friends of Lisa's & thought we'd stop by and introduce ourselves! Now....if you don't mind, we're going to read on & see what else you've been up to!!
    Karla & Karrie


"You can't always get what you want. But, if you try, sometimes, you get what you need."


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A Few of my Favorite Things Tea*Chocolate* Lake Michigan in Leelanau County*Vintage Crepe Paper Crafts*Prince circa 1980's*Pork*California Redwoods*Outsider Art*The Smell of Lilacs and Summer Rain*Burlap*Food prepared from scratch*The Color RED*Hats