Last Saturday Glenn discovered a new Ben & Jerry's ice cream that I became smitten with immediately. Of course, the ice cream lasted about twenty-two minutes (I AM exaggerating here, but not by much). So off to the frozen food aisle of the grocery store I went.
But, I could not find the new variety any where amongst the vast sea of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I started wondering if I had dreamt the whole experience. The panic really started setting in. Usually I am able to spot the most obscure items with ease. I even read all (or so I thought)the tiny shelf-placement labels looking for a trace of what was now the most important thing in the world to me. If Glenn was not at a business dinner he would have gotten a frantic call from me.
Just as I was about to resign myself (and the cute bowl at the beginning of this post) to an ice creamless night, I looked in the bowels of the freezer and found this lurking behind tubs of Chubby Hubby ice cream.
Let me tell you as a if-it-is-not-chocolate-it-is-not-a-dessert kind of girl, this ice cream is AWESOME. It takes copious amounts of self-control for me to not eat the entire container by myself in three minutes flat (and I hold the world's record as the slowest eater). But, (there is always a "but"), in the interest of full disclosure, I doused the ice cream in chocolate Magic Shell. I can never be parted from my beloved chocolate!
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